HCPS FL Logo Educational Leadership and Professional Development
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, August 29, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services with National School Administration Manager (SAM) Innovation Project (NSIP) (Educational Leadership and Professional Development)
The National SAM Innovation Project (NSIP) is a professional development process that provides school leaders with tools and training to focus their time on actions and practices that lead to improved teaching and learning and strong school culture. The project brings together efficient and cost-effective tools, training, and strategies to help principals focus more time on instructional leadership.  Principals who have been involved in the SAM Project across the country have demonstrated consistent growth in student achievement in their schools. 

NSIP has provided services to Hillsborough County Public Schools for the past five years. There are currently 140 principals and school teams, as well as Area Superintendents and Principal Coaches using the SAM process to manage time more effectively.

The contract will allow a second year of data collection to compare growth after one year for the 30 SAM teams that started last school year.  It will also allow continued training and implementation support for all SAM teams. The training and support will take place from September 2017 through January 2018.
• Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce • Develop a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration • Continuously improve processes and systems
Funds in the amount of $171,600 will be available in the Title II grant.  For tracking purposes, the project number specific to this agenda item is 3389.  As of July 26, 2017, the remaining balance less encumbrances for this line item equaled $1,287,911.12. 
After five years of SAM implementation, data shows that school leaders engaging in the SAM process saved an average of 12 hours per week which equals 60 extra days per year to focus on practices that produce greater results for teaching and learning.  The practices include observation and feedback, coaching, professional development and planning, meetings, celebrations, and meaningful work with students and families for an average of 65 percent of their time.  

Of the 120 schools using the SAM process, there was an average increase of 23 achievement points toward school grades when comparing the 2015/2016 results to the 2016/2017 results.

Of the 52 schools that have implemented the SAM process for at least three years, 85 percent earned a school grade of C or higher for the 2016/2017 school year. Twenty-nine percent of the 52 schools increased their school grade by one or more letter grades. 

SAM principals have stated that their use of the SAM process has provided them with a structure to purposefully plan their time and gain support from school staff to handle management functions that in the past drew them away from time in classrooms with students and teachers. Ninety-five percent of SAM principals stated that the SAM process is an important factor in their improved instructional leadership practice and overall school growth.
SUBMITTED BY:  Tricia McManus, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Leadership and Professional Development
Gretchen Saunders   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    C 6.14
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170829_818 (Board Meeting) * Section C Item# 6.14