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Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Recognition of the 2017 Kelly Educational Staffing State of Florida Substitute Teacher of the Year Award (Human Resources Division)
This state award is presented to one outstanding substitute teacher in the State of Florida.   All substitute teachers are eligible and nominations are made directly by school sites.  Currently, Kelly Educational Staffing recognizes outstanding substitute teachers monthly in Hillsborough County and participates in both the state and national award process.

In February, 2017, Mr. Charles Riggins was nominated for this outstanding achievement by Alonso High School.  Mr. Riggins comes from a long line of educators, including his mother, Dr. Sharon Riggins Patterson who instilled in him the importance of education.  Mr. Riggins enjoyed a career in the National Football League, and then started his own business allowing him the opportunity to give back to his community by speaking to students and helping with sports.  Upon returning to the Tampa Bay area, he pursued a career in substitute teaching which would provide him the opportunity to continue his work with students. 

Mr. Riggins has been a substitute teacher for two years and enjoys working with his mentor, retired Hillsborough County Public Schools principal, Victor Fernandez, currently a Kelly Educational Staffing mentor.   He remains active in the community and strives to be a positive role model in our schools. 

As the State of Florida Substitute Teacher of the Year, Mr. Riggins is the recipient of a framed certificate, congratulatory letter, and a $200 monetary award.
• Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child • Develop a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration
This item is for recognition and has no financial impact to the district.
SUBMITTED BY:  Dena Collins, SHRM-SCP, General Manager of Personnel Services
Marie E. Whelan, Ed.D   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
(813) 840-7328
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    A 09
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170926_820 (Board Recognition Meeting) * Section A Item# 09