HCPS FL Logo Human Resources
Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Recognition of Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) and Aon/Alight as winners of the 2017 Hermes Creative Award (Human Resources Division)
Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for the concept, writing, and design of marketing materials and communication programs, and emerging technologies. The competition has grown to one of the largest of its kind in the world. Winners of the 2017 competition include companies such as Aflac, AARP, Fidelity Investments, National Geographic Learning, and PepsiCo. HCPS received a platinum award for our internal communications, including videos created to help our employees choose their medical plan. We also received a gold award for communications branding, which included our enrollment materials and our wellbeing program.

As a result of our communications strategies and materials, we are experiencing the largest employee engagement we have ever seen.
• Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce • Develop, recognize, and reward employees • Develop a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration • Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders • Continuously improve processes and systems • Establish a strong foundation of financial stewardship • Demonstrate "best practices" in all aspects of safety: student, employee, visitor, facility, transportation, and health
This item is for recognition and has no financial impact to the district.
SUBMITTED BY:  Tracy Schatzberg, Ed.D., SHRM-CP, General Manager of Employee Benefits
Marie E. Whelan, Ed.D.   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
(813) 840-7328
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    A 01
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170926_820 (Board Recognition Meeting) * Section A Item# 01