HCPS FL Logo Educational Access, Opportunity, and Alternatives
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve Renewal of Agency Agreement for Provision of Educational Program for Hospital/Homebound Exceptional Student Education, 2018/2020
We request approval to partner with Shriners Hospitals to provide Hospital/Homebound services to eligible students with disabilities at the agency site.  This agency agreement allows district personnel to provide necessary educational services at the facility with no cost to the district.  The renewal agreement is effective May 16, 2018 through June 30, 2020.  Approximately 20 students will be served at this site.
• Improve the high school graduation rate
All students receiving services are eligible for Exceptional Student Education and/or Hospital/Homebound services and generate state FTE funding.
Approval of this Agency Agreement will aid the district in fulfilling its educational responsibility to hospitalized students.  There are no costs for the use of the facilities and it supports the Superintendent's goal of providing all students with equity in education as we reach for 90% in 2020.  Student progress toward the standards, students with disabilities graduation rate and progress toward Individual Educational Plan (IEP) goals and objectives will be used for evaluation purposes.
SUBMITTED BY:  James Pirotta, Coordinator, Hospital/Homebound/Home Based Programs
Kimberly Workman, General Director   Wynne A. Tye
Exceptional Student Education
(813) 273-7025
  Assistant Superintendent
(813) 273-7033
    C 2.01
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20180515_878 (Board Meeting followed by Public Hearing) * Section C Item# 2.01