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Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, March 27, 2018
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Recognition of the 90BY20 Going for the Gold Planning Team for Participation and Community Involvement with the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic 5K Run (Office of Diversity)
The Going for the Gold committee, Suncoast Federal Credit Union Foundation, Humana, Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Association, volunteers, district staff, students, parents, and community members participated in and created the districtwide team for this year's Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic 5K run.

The committee included Lynn Gray, Conchita Canty-Jones, Dr. Minerva Spanner-Morrow, and others who promoted wellness and academic achievement through physical activity and other strategies. Our district, parents, students, and community members Decided! Committed! And Acted to support the district goal of a 90 percent graduation rate by 2020.  

The Going for the Gold initiative highlights included:
  • Wellness clinics as the mode of apparatus to bring families, students, district employees, and board members together at non-school locations. The clinics united everyone for a common cause to promote goal-setting, good health, and wellness.
  • District teams included over 550 parents, students, district staff and community members.  Our district had the largest team and received the "Chevrolet Cruzin' Krewe Challenge" plaque from the Publix Gasparilla Foundation.
A pledge week at schools and community venues was added as a new component to increase the awareness of the 90BY20 district goal and strengthen a culture of excellence. Students, parents, school stakeholders, and community members pledged to commit to supporting the district goal.  We anticipate over 7,000 pledges.

The 90BY20 planning team's collective efforts fostered meaningful interactions, enhanced trust, and shaped positive public perception of the graduation goal.
• Improve the high school graduation rate • Develop, recognize, and reward employees • Develop a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration • Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders • Continuously improve processes and systems
SUBMITTED BY:  Conchita Canty-Jones, Coordinator
    Minerva Spanner-Morrow, Ed.D.

  Chief Diversity Officer
(813) 273-7125
    A 06
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20180327_866 (Board Recognition Meeting) * Section A Item# 06