HCPS FL Logo Chief of Schools
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Articulation Agreement Between Bay Area Charter Foundation, LLC (BACF) and Florida Charter Educational Foundation, Inc. (FCEF) (Chief of Schools)
Florida Statute 1002.33(10)(e) allows a charter school to limit the enrollment process to target the following student populations: 
  1. Students within specific age groups or grade levels
  2. Students at risk of dropping out of school or academic failure
  3. Students enrolling in a charter school in the workplace or a charter school-in-a-municipality
  4. Students residing within a reasonable distance of the charter school
  5. Students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or other eligibility standards established by the charter school
  6. Students articulating from one charter school to another pursuant to an articulation agreement between the charter schools that has been approved by the Sponsor
  7. Students living in a development in which a business entity provided the school facility
The BACF board oversees Winthrop Charter School and Woodmont Charter School while the FCEF board oversees Henderson Hammock Charter School, SouthShore Charter Academy, and Waterset Charter Academy.  As allowed by FS 1002.33(10)(e)(6), this articulation agreement would allow the boards to provide enrollment transition between and among the schools governed by each board.  An enrollment transition process shall be established for the enrollment of students between and among the schools.  This process will be reviewed and approved by the Charter Office.
All Strategic Objectives
SUBMITTED BY:  Jenna Hodgens, General Director, Charter Office
Harrison Peters   Gretchen Saunders
Chief of Schools
(813) 272-4071
  Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
    C 6.07
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20180515_878 (Board Meeting followed by Public Hearing) * Section C Item# 6.07