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Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bid Submitted by Diskovery Educational Systems - Invitation to Bid (ITB) #18030-EST-SV Adobe Creative Cloud for Team Licensing Subscription (Business Services Division)
This ITB was prepared at the request of the Career and Technical Education Department to receive the most competitive price for the purchase of Adobe Creative Cloud Licenses.  This license contains a suite of Adobe software programs such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and InDesign, which are used in all 27 high schools as well as some career centers and middle schools.  This software is used in programs such as Digital Design, Television Production, and Web Development.  This purchase will allow for the implementation of the updated version of this software, ensuring that our curriculum is aligned to industry standards. This software is utilized to prepare students for many of our most widely earned industry certifications that are administered within our school-based testing centers.

Students successfully earning industry certifications generate weighted full-time equivalent (FTE) funding back to the career-themed courses where the industry certifications are earned, and industry certifications are included in the calculation of school grades.

The initial term of this contract is from June 6, 2018, through June 5, 2019, and may be renewed for four additional 1-year periods.  There is a 30-day termination for convenience clause included in this contract. All prices offered are firm against any increase for at least one year from the effective date.  This contract will be reviewed and evaluated annually and may be renewed by the Superintendent, per the terms of the specifications.
• Improve the high school graduation rate • Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child • Establish a strong foundation of financial stewardship
Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are subject to renewal on an annual basis, and the projected quantities are based on estimated enrollment for 2018/2019. Funds in the amount of $60,556 will be available in the Secondary Carl D. Perkins Grant (Project#3528), $5,002 will be available in the Industry Certification fund for Art (Project#4541), and $3,185 will be available in the Industry Certification fund for Journalism (Project#4549). These Industry Certification funds are a categorical allocation from weighted FTE funds earned by previous student achievement in Industry Certification testing.
Contract administration and evaluation is performed by the Project Manager (the "End User") and the Procurement Officer, who function as a team, by utilizing an online vendor performance report or via in-person reviews. The evaluation consists of an assessment of the vendor-provided goods and services, deliverables, and compliance with contractual requirements. The resulting data will support renewal decisions and/or alterations to a new agreement.
SUBMITTED BY:  Corey A. Murphy, General Manager, Procurement Services
Christopher Jargo, Director, Career and Technical Education
Warren S. Brooks   Gretchen Saunders
Workforce Connections Officer, Workforce Connections
(813) 231-1860
  Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
    C 6.12
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20180605_885 (Board Meeting) * Section C Item# 6.12