HCPS FL Logo Academic Support and Federal Programs
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, March 7, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Purchase of Woodcock-Johnson IV (2014) Record Forms from Houghton-Mifflin Assessment (Sole Source Provider) (Academic Support and Federal Programs Division)
The Woodcock-Johnson IV record forms from Houghton-Mifflin Assessment are utilized by school psychologists to assess the academic achievement and cognitive processing of students.  The materials focus on assessment of areas such as academic readiness, reading, mathematics, writing, communication, memory, visual/auditory processing, and processing speed.  Testing results are then used to assist with eligibility determination for special education services, reevaluate the continued need for services, and/or help school-based teams identify appropriate interventions for students.

On February 16, 2016, the Board approved the purchase of Woodcock-Johnson IV test kits.  The current request is to replenish record booklets that are necessary for the completion of student evaluations in the aforementioned areas.

Houghton-Mifflin Assessment is designed as sole-source and is the exclusive United States distributor and publisher of the record forms and associated scoring included in the quote.  Therefore, this purchase is exempt from the requesting competitive solicitations by the Florida Department of Education 6A-1.012 Purchasing Policies (11) (b).

All Strategic Objectives
Funds in the amount of $9,325.80 will be available in the General Fund. For tracking purposes, the project number specific to this agenda item is 9999. As of Tuesday, February 28, 2017, the remaining balance less encumbrances for this line item equaled $9,325.80. Based on the trend data for site-based purchases from Houghton-Mifflin Assessment for the 2015/2016 school year, it is projected that the purchases for the 2016/2017 school year will not exceed $60,000.00 for the Psychological Services Department.
Psychological Services provides individual, psychoeducational evaluations of students to assist in educational planning.  Evaluation results are shared with parents and school-based teams to promote academic, social, and emotional success of students by guiding the selection of appropriate interventions and the differentiation of instruction based on individual needs.
Holly Saia, Director, Student Services
Tracye H. Brown, Assistant Superintendent, Academic Support and Federal Programs
Gretchen Saunders   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    C 6.09
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170307_826 (Board Meeting) * Section C Item# 6.09