HCPS FL Logo Educational Leadership and Professional Development
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services with Florida Association of School Administrators (FASA) (Educational Leadership and Professional Development)
For the third year in a row, FASA is partnering with the district to support the summer leadership institute. On June 1, 2017, 650 principals, assistant principals, and district staff will come together for the “Leading for Equity” Leadership Institute for the purpose of examining the leadership moves necessary for developing equitable systems of support for students, specific strategies to raise the achievement of all students while closing the gap between sub-groups, and how to use a lens of equity while planning and implementing an aligned system of school improvement goals, priorities, professional learning and daily actions and expectations for staff. The district is developing and delivering the content for the institute and FASA is paying for the food, keynote speaker and resources, as well as a FASA membership for each of the participating leaders. The membership provides opportunities for ongoing professional development, leadership opportunities, state communications, and latest research.
• Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce
Funds in the amount of $52,000.00 will be available in the Title II. For tracking purposes, the project number specific to this agenda item is 3188. As of Friday, April 21, 2017, the remaining balance less encumbrances for this line item equaled $756,803.00.
The surveys from the institute last summer showed that 98 percent of participants strongly agreed or stated that the event was beneficial in supporting their practice. As a result of the institute, every school walked away with specific plans for developing teacher capacity through the design of a system of support that included just-in-time, job embedded professional development. Every school has implemented their plans and have shared results at small group principals' meetings facilitated by Area Superintendents during the 2016/2017 school year. As a result of the Leading for Equity Institute, every school will leave with specific plans for achieving equity in school practices and equality in student outcomes. Plans and outcomes will once again be tracked and shared during principal meetings in 2017/2018.
SUBMITTED BY:  Tricia McManus, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Leadership and Professional Development
Gretchen Saunders   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    C 6.05
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170516_813 (Board Meeting) * Section C Item# 6.05