Hillsborough County Public Schools Student Services and Federal Programs
Action Item

DATE: Tuesday, July 11, 2006
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Approve the Agreement for Technical Services for Steve Barkley, Consultant for Performance Learning Systems, to Provide Professional Development Training and Support for Twin Lakes Elementary (Student Services and Federal Programs Division)


Attaining high student achievement for all learners requires a real team approach. This project is designed to create teacher teams focused on individual students. Steve Barkley will work with the staff at Twin Lakes to develop teaming and problem-solving skills that will bring every possible resource to each individual learner. This teaming approach will require changes in how school administrators work with teachers as a staff and as teams. Steve Barkley will serve as a trainer, facilitator and consultant to the administrative team on-site during training days and by phone and email throughout the contracted time. Twin Lakes' staff has previously completed coaching training with Steve Barkley. Performance Learning Systems' learning style profile, the Kaleidoscope, will be used with staff, students, and parents at Twin Lakes. Staff will identify how their styles influence their work as team members. Identifying the learning styles of K-5 students will assist teachers in creating learning options for struggling students. Parents will identify their own styles and discover ways to assist their children's learning when the child's style differs from the parent. Steve Barkley will also provide workshops for staff, students, and parents to maximize their learning style knowledge. Steve Barkley, author of Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching, and long-term consultant with Hillsborough County Schools is uniquely prepared to be Twin Lakes' coach. Working closely with building administrators, many strategies and activities to support this program will be developed as the project proceeds.


Goal 5- The District will eliminate the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) achievement gap by a minimum of 10 percentage points as reported by No Child Left Behind.


This Technical Service Agreement will be paid out of Twin Lakes’ Title I Staff Development set-aside dollars ($37,000).


By June 1, 2007, the staff of Twin Lakes Elementary, along with the participating students and parents, will complete an effectiveness survey to determine if the professional development and consultation provided by Mr. Barkley had a positive impact on student learning and the school culture.

SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Eakins, Director of Federal Programs, Title 1

Gwendolyn L. Luney
Assistant Superintendent, Division of Student Services & Federal Programs
(813) 272-4879
Gretchen Saunders
Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20060711_179 * Section E Item# 5.04