Hillsborough County Public Schools Information and Technology
Information Item

DATE: Tuesday, June 19, 2007
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Receive Information Regarding Proposed Change in Starting Time for School Board Meetings, Proposed Change in Schedule for Public Comment Section, and Proposed Date for Changes to Take Effect


The School Board has reviewed the existing practice of starting Board meetings at 5 p.m. and has concluded that public access and participation could be greatly enhanced with some key changes. The need for reconsideration has become more urgent in recent months as members of the public wishing to address the Board have had to wait several hours until the end of the meeting for the scheduled public comment section. The proposed changes include the following:

1. Regular meetings will be scheduled to start at 3 p.m.

2. Public comment will be scheduled to start at approximately 5 p.m. Speakers will be allowed to sign up online on the School District website or in person at the meeting. Those who sign up online may do so until the 3 p.m. start of the meeting, and they must inform the Communications staff that they are present in the Board meeting room prior to the start of public comment at 5 p.m. Those who sign up in person at the meeting may do so until 5 p.m.

3. Those who wish to speak to a specific agenda item also may sign up online until 3 p.m., and they must inform the Communications staff that they are present in the Board meeting room before the Board takes up the agenda item. Those who are present in the board meeting room and who wish to speak to a specific agenda item may turn in a request to speak form prior to the time the Board considers that agenda item.

The changes will take effect beginning with the School Board meeting on September 18, 2007. Prior to that meeting the Communications staff will use multiple means of communication to inform the public and all stakeholders of the change.


All goals and factors


No financial impact


The Communications staff will seek public input on the proposed changes.

SUBMITTED BY: Stephen P. Hegarty, Communications Officer, Office of Communications

Stephen P. Hegarty
Communications Officer, Office of Communications
(8130 272-4060
Kenneth R. Otero
Deputy Superintendent
(813) 272-4101
W 3
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20070619_247 * Section W Item# 3