Hillsborough County Public Schools Administration
Information Item

DATE: Tuesday, February 10, 2009
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Accept as Information Item, Charter District Contract Annual Report 2008


Hillsborough County Public Schools is one of the founding charter districts in the State of Florida. On November 26, 2002, the State Board of Education approved a contract affording the district the opportunity to waive certain state statutes in an effort to provide educational services to children that are more effective, efficient, and innovative. The district has waivers from 21 state statutes that have been used to support the acceleration of student academic achievement. The School District of Hillsborough County District Strategic Plan 2003-2007 identifies six challenging goals, each of which is focused on increased student achievement. The 21 waivers from state statutes in the charter district contract have been aligned with one or more of these goals. This report contains a summary of the strategic plan, a baseline evaluation of each goal in the plan, its current year reappraisal, a description of each of the waivers and the status of each, information about notable accomplishments, and future directions the district wishes to take as a charter district. Appendices include a copy of the charter district contract as well as the detailed Plans of Work to accomplish the district strategic plan goals.


All Strategic Objectives


Costs are limited to preparation time from the staff in the Non-Traditional Program Office and the Office of Assessment and Accountability


This annual report is an evaluation of our district's charter contract and progress made since our last annual evaluation report. The next evaluation report will be due to the state on January 15, 2010.

SUBMITTED BY: Walt Shaffner, Director of Non-Traditional Programs

William H. Person
General Director of Pupil Placement and Suppport Programs
Lewis A. Brinson
Assistant Superintendent for Administration
A 9.03
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20090210_343 * Section A Item# 9.03