Hillsborough County Public Schools Facilities
Action Item

DATE: Tuesday, October 6, 2009
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Approve Lease Agreement Between The City of Tampa and The School Board of Hillsborough County for Land at Just Full Service School to Site Relocatables


In order for the School Board to site relocatable buildings on the campus of Just Full Service School for expansion purposes, additional land is needed to conform with the City of Tampa setback requirements. The leased land will only be used for this purpose and no relocatable building will be constructed on this property. The initial term of the lease will be for a period of twenty-five (25) years and automatically renew for an additional twenty-five (25) year term. As part of the Lease Agreement, the School Board will install a service gate for the City's use to maintain the light pole located behind the outfield fence on the adjacent playfield. This adjacent playfield is used by the Yellow Jacket Little League and the School Board agrees that it will not adversely affect the site by constructing any facilities or engage in any activities that will hinder the Little League's use. Additionally, the School Board will design and construct drainage facilities to prevent stormwater runoff that would render the playfield unusable.

The Lease Agreement has been reviewed by the City of Tampa Attorney and also the School Board Attorney as to form and sufficiency.


All Strategic Objectives


Approval of the Lease Agreement between the City of Tampa and the School Board for City land adjacent to Just Full Service School will have no financial impact to the School Board.


SUBMITTED BY: Denise A. Taraschi, Property Specialist

Lorraine Duffy Suarez
General Manager, Growth Management & Planning
(813) 272-4685
Cathy L. Valdes
Chief Facilities Officer
(813) 272-4004
A 6.06
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20091006_362 * Section A Item# 6.06