HCPS FL Logo Instructional Support
Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, July 30, 2013
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent
The Homeless Education and Literacy Project (HELP) (Instructional Support Division)
Initiative:  Services of the Homeless Education and Literacy Project (HELP) are provided by School Social Workers, District Resource Teachers, and tutors in the district. The HELP program follows the guidelines and provides leadership and advocacy in accordance with the federal McKinney-Vento Act. The primary purpose of this project is to assure the academic achievement for homeless children and youth. Funds for these services are provided by a state grant and local Title 1 dollars. The local population of homeless families and students continues to be better understood and grow. Collaboration among the community service providers has allowed for a more comprehensive service delivery system to develop, so homeless students may continue to learn.

Goals:  The Homeless Education and Literacy Project (HELP) supports homeless students to ensure immediate school enrollment, the opportunity to remain at their schools of origin, transportation to and from school, free breakfast and lunch, and prompt resolution about school placements including exceptional student education, bilingual services, gifted, and remedial programs.

Targeted Population:  Local homeless children and youth.

Timeline:  HELP was established with one districtwide school social work position in the early 1990's. Program services continue to grow and develop.

Professional/Staff Development:  HELP provides trainings and consultations on the McKinney-Vento Act, identification of homeless students, school enrollment procedures, and other services for homeless children and youth. Trainings are available for Student Support Services staff, guidance counselors, school administrators, registrars/data processors, school bus drivers, parents, shelters, and other school/community partners.

Transferability:  HELP services are implemented in all school settings Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12.

Involvement:  HELP services are districtwide. Families are typically identified at school sites. School staff members are provided training and current information about homeless services, including school enrollment procedures. HELP maintains a district website and program materials as additional resource. The school social worker at each site serves as the homeless liaison for services and information.

• Increase promotion rates at all grade levels and the percentage of high school graduates
SUBMITTED BY:  Ken Gaughan, Supervisor, School Social Work Services
    George Gaffney

  Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Support
(813) 273-7033
    B 01
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20130730_592 (Board Meeting followed by Public Hearing) * Section B Item# 01