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Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Acting Superintendent
District Results of the Annual School Climate and Perception (SCIP) Surveys Administered to Parents, Students, and Support Staff for the 2014/2015 School Year (Information and Technology Division)
Initiative:  Each year, the district administers an annual climate survey to parents, students, and support staff.  The School Climate and Perception (SCIP) surveys are administered at the start of the second semester.  The resulting data are instrumental in our planning and improvement efforts and provide insight on stakeholder perceptions throughout the district.  The following are noteworthy findings from the 2014/2015 surveys:

Overall - Response rates for all surveys continued to be very strong. Twenty-five percent of all parents completed surveys.  Eighty-three percent of sampled students completed surveys. Sixty-eight percent of site-based support staff completed surveys.

Parent - More than 80% of parents report favorable perceptions of communication, student learning, school environments, and school leadership.  Most parents indicate a preference for digital communication about school and district events.

Student - Elementary students report very favorable perceptions of their teachers and frequent communication with family and friends about school.  A majority of secondary students know how to report inappropriate behaviors and would feel comfortable reporting these.

Support - Support staff report very favorable perceptions of their schools related to principals, work environment, students, and their roles.  Support staff are interested in additional professional development in the areas of computer/technology training and communication skills.

Goals:  To gather data to be used for district and school planning and evaluate school culture using input from stakeholders.

Targeted Population:  Parents, students and site-based support staff participated at all school sites.

Timeline:  These surveys are conducted at the beginning of the second semester each year.  They will continue to be given each year.

Professional/Staff Development:  Data was used for district school planning as well as needs assessment for future professional development.

Transferability:  District and aggregate findings inform planning for the future.  Site findings are not typically used to draw conclusions about other populations or sites.

Involvement:  Yes, parents, students, and site-based support staff all participate in the annual SCIP Climate Surveys.

All Strategic Objectives
SUBMITTED BY:  Sam Whitten, Director, Assessment and Accountability
    Anna L. Brown, Ed.D.

  Chief Information and Technology Officer
(813) 272-4600
    B 02
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20150623_694 (Board Meeting) * Section B Item# 02