HCPS FL Logo Academic Support and Federal Programs
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 2019
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Contract #SR-SDHC1920 Between the Hillsborough County School Readiness Coalition, Inc. D/B/A Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County (ELC) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (SBHC) for the Provision of School Readiness Services of School Readiness Providers (Academic Support and Federal Programs)
The purpose of this contract is to establish an agreement between SBHC and ELC, a statutorily-created entity, designated with the responsibility of administration and implementation of a local comprehensive program of School Readiness (SR) Program services and local administration of the SR Program.

The ELC desires to enter into an agreement with the SBHC for the provision of SR services related to child assessment and inclusion, and technical assistance to SR providers.  The terms of this contract are in effect July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. 

This is a contract for assessment and evaluation services for SR children through the ELC.  This contract also provides technical assistance and training to SR providers related to child assessment and inclusion.

The ELC requires the Board's signature, as the subcontracted agency, to acknowledge acceptance of this contract prior to the ELC's final signature.
• Improve the high school graduation rate • Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child • Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders
Funds in the amount of $682,039 will be available in the ELC contract.  This total is federal/state funding originating with Florida Office of Early Learning (OEL) flowing through the ELC and passed to Hillsborough County Public Schools.
Each year the financial statements are audited by the ELC as prescribed by law.  The funding for ELC is provided through federal dollars.  The flow-through dollars are channeled by OEL.  There is no district-generated revenue used with this contract.
SUBMITTED BY:  Sandra Show, Supervisor, School Readiness Provider Services
Tracye H. Brown, Assistant Superintendent   Gretchen Saunders
Academic Support and Federal Programs
(813) 272-4879
  Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
    B 6.01
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20190611_925 (Board Meeting) * Section B Item# 6.01