HCPS FL Logo Academic Support and Federal Programs
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 2019
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Purchase of Orton-Gillingham Phonics First Level 1 Materials and Professional Development from Brainspring (Sole-Source Provider) (Academic Support and Federal Programs)
Orton-Gillingham Phonics First Level I materials are supplemental intervention resources that provide an evidence-based program to systematically and explicitly teach students the foundational skills required for proficient reading. Utilizing the Orton Gillingham methodology, this intensive program and training provides systematic early literacy instruction to struggling students with reading disabilities.  Exceptional Student Education teachers will utilize the program to provide multisensory and intentional instruction in letter sound relationships to prevent and remediate students at risk for reading failure.

In accordance with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Purchasing Policy 6A-1.012(12)(d), commodities or contractual services available only from a single source may be exempted from the competitive solicitation requirements. When a district school board believes that commodities or contractual services are available only from a single source as specified by the FLDOE, the district school board may negotiate on the best terms and conditions with the single source vendor.
• Improve the high school graduation rate • Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child
Grant funds in the amount of $499,500 will be available in the divisional special revenue/federal programs budget, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  For tracking purposes, the project number specific to this agenda item is 3693.
Student gains will be monitored through the use of a variety of progress monitoring tools, including curriculum-based measures as well as formal and informal assessments.  This data will be reviewed and analyzed annually by school-based personnel and district staff.
SUBMITTED BY:  Kimberly Workman, General Director, Exceptional Student Education
Tracye H. Brown, Assistant Superintendent   Gretchen Saunders
Academic Support and Federal Programs
(813) 272-4879
  Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
    B 6.15
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20190611_925 (Board Meeting) * Section B Item# 6.15