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Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, May 14, 2019
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Recognition of the Gaither High School Winners for the Grand National Adjudicators Invitational Concert Band and Orchestra Invitational  (Office of Teaching and Learning)
The Grand National Adjudicators Invitational, held in Atlanta Symphony Hall, is the most prestigious Concert Band and Orchestra Festival presented in America today. Participating groups represent some of our nation’s most outstanding performance ensembles. The Grand National Adjudicators Invitational is open to any instrumental group that has received a superior performance rating each year in district, regional, or state festival for the past three consecutive years. The 2019 Invitational took place in Atlanta, Georgia on April 26-27, 2019. The Gaither Concert and Chamber Orchestra and their Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble each received superior ratings, and the Wind Ensemble was named Grand Champion for the entire festival.  We would like to recognize the following winners:

Luis Alvarez, Band Director
Kristy Dell, Band Director
Andrea Szarowicz, Orchestra Director
Outstanding Soloist-Isabella Caffee, Grade 12, Violin
Outstanding Soloist-Xavier Castro, Grade 12, Soprano Saxophone
Outstanding Soloist-Katy Pendleton, Grade 12, Oboe
• Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child
This agenda item has no financial impact to the district.
SUBMITTED BY:  Ted Hope, Ed.S., Supervisor of Music Education 6-12
Leslie S. Granich   Deborah Cook
Instructional Leadership Director, Secondary Education
(813) 272-4451
  Chief Academic Officer
(813) 272-4221
    A 12
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20190514_924 (Board Recognition Meeting) * Section A Item# 12