HCPS FL Logo Chief of Schools
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services #19189-ATS-IV with Mariann Schmudde for the Evaluation of the Teacher and School Leadership Incentive Program (TSL) (Office of Strategy Management)
The TSL, serving high needs schools, is part of a larger ongoing district-wide commitment to attract, develop, support, reward, and retain the most effective school-based leaders for high needs schools.  This agreement for evaluation services is recommended in order to fulfill the TSL requirement for a third-party evaluation consultant for the 2019/2020 school year during the program period of the grant.  Grant evaluation services include the following: evaluation design assistance, data analysis, and a comprehensive Annual Performance Evaluation Report.
• Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce
Funds in the amount of $40,000 will be available in the TSL grant. For tracking purposes, the project number specific to this agenda item is 3742. As of August 26, 2019, the remaining balance less encumbrances for this line item equaled $40,000.
The Office of Strategy Management has direct supervision of the selected external evaluator, oversees the evaluation activities, tracks progress, and ensures reporting compliance as well as transmission of all required reports to the funding agency.
SUBMITTED BY:  Julie McLeod, Manager, Strategic Data and Evaluation
Joe Cochran, Ph.D.   Gretchen Saunders
General Manager, Office of Strategy Management
(813) 272-4438
  Chief Business Officer
(813) 272-4270
    B 6.01
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20191015_932 (Board Meeting) * Section B Item# 6.01