HCPS FL Logo Business Services
DATE: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Addison Davis, Superintendent
<p>Approve the Statement of Work (SOW) with iBi Solutions for Analytics and Data Warehouse Development and Support (<em>Information Technology</em>)</p>
<p>This agenda item augments Information Technology staff with contractors to maintain operation of our data warehouse. The data warehouse system is utilized by multiple applications including: student information system (SIS) vendor interfaces, teacher evaluation verification, and English for speakers of other languages verification. There are several large projects that are impacting these systems, including the upgrade to the Infor (US), Inc. Enterprise Resources Planning Software, implementation of a new SIS, and migration to a new database platform. Additionally, our systems must be kept in compliance with Florida Department of Education requirements, Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association, and internal district business processes.</p> <p>The SOW includes services for software design, development, testing, and administration. These services will be used to move the data warehouse from an unsupported IBM Database 2 platform to a Microsoft SQL Server platform and to provide ongoing assistance on an as needed basis. This SOW is governed by the terms of the Master Services Agreement between the district and iBi Solutions approved by the Board on April 21, 2015.</p>
<p>• Continuously improve processes and systems</p> <p>• Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce</p>
<p>Contract administration and evaluation is performed by the Project Manager (the "End User") and the Procurement Officer, who function as a team, by utilizing an online vendor performance report or via in-person reviews. The evaluation consists of an assessment of the vendor-provided goods and services, deliverables, and compliance with contractual requirements. The resulting data will support renewal decisions and/or alterations to a new agreement.</p>
SUBMITTED BY:  Ken Bazick, Manager, Information Technology, ken.bazick@hcps.net, (813) 272-4266
Rick Laneau, General Manager, Information Technology, rick.laneau@hcps.net, (813) 272-4254
Corey A. Murphy, General Manager, Procurement Services, corey.murphy@hcps.net, (813) 272-4374
    Gretchen Saunders

  Chief Financial Officer
(813) 272-4270
    B 6.12
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20200707_1006 (Board Meeting) * Section B Item# 6.12