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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 04/28/2020
School Board Meeting

B6.04 - Approve the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between Brandon Sports and Aquatic Center (BSAC) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida, (HCPS) for the Implementation and Operation of Before School, After School, and Summer Programs (Academic Support and Federal Programs)


The purpose of the MOA is to establish an agreement between HCPS and BSAC concerning their respective roles and responsibilities.  This collaboration will ensure quality care for students and families in our schools and community. BSAC began providing programs on August 10, 2017. This one-year MOA is in effect from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.

Bevis Fishhawk Mintz
Brooker Kingswood Stowers
Cimino Lithia Springs Symmes

Annual Registration Fee: $40 per child
Weekly Fees 
Elementary Before School Fee: $15.00 
Elementary After School Fee: $58.00
Early Release Fee (Monday's only): $20.00 per month

Site incentive payments based on program enrollment. Payment is made quarterly.

 Enrollment Range Amount per Day  Total Annual Incentive
5-15  $15 $2,700
16-25 $19  $3,420
26-50 $21  $3,780
51-75 $33  $5,940
76-100 $45 $8,100
101-125  $57 $10,260
126-150  $69 $12,420
151-175  $81 $14,580
176-200  $93 $16,740
201+  $105 $18,900

Gap Analysis

After school programs provide an additional layer of support for students and families. The purpose of this program is to deliver activities that will include educational enrichment, physical activities, and homework services and will ensure quality care for students in our communities.

Previous Outcomes

In 2018/2019, 100 percent of principals indicated that BSAC met expectations on an end of the year survey.

Expected Outcomes

BSAC will work in collaboration with District personnel to complete an annual principal and parent survey for each school. Satisfaction surveys will be among the tools used for evaluation. Surveys will asks respondents to specify their level of agreement to a statement.

Strategic Plan Goal

  • Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders
  • Establish a strong foundation of financial stewardship
  • Demonstrate "best practices" in all aspects of safety: student, employee, visitor, facility, transportation, and health


Approve the MOA between BSAC and HCPS for the implementation and operation of before school, after school, and summer programs.


Louis Murphy, Director, Early Childhood and After School Programs,, (813) 272-4461
Tracye H. Brown, Assistant Superintendent, Academic Support and Federal Programs,, (813) 272-4879

Financial Impact

Per agreement, BSAC will pay $160,778.34 to HCPS for use of school facilities.

Review Comments


Gretchen Saunders, Chief Business Officer (813) 272-4270