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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 03/31/2020
School Board Meeting

B7.02 - Approve Altamira Consulting, LLC's Concurrency Adjacency Analysis Agreement for Analytical and Geographical Cloud Services Suite for School Districts (Operations Division)


On March 12, 2019, the School Board approved a contract with Altamira Consulting, LLC for the development and implementation of a cloud-based analytical platform ARIA (CLOUD SERVICES) used to support the Growth Management and Planning Department and the Student Planning and Placement Department with student data, attendance boundaries, and tracking of new residential developments. This additional contract will add a contiguous concurrency service area analysis and tracking feature, which will replace an excel spreadsheet currently used for school concurrency tracking. Therefore, all of the development tracking features and components will be located within one program.

District staff has explored other geospatial systems through review of responses to Request for Information and through research of products used by other school districts in the state. No "off the shelf" product offers the unique aspects currently offered in ARIA, most specifically the tracking of new residential developments.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes


Strategic Plan Goal

* Construct and maintain facilities that create an environment conducive to teaching and learning




Amber Dickerson, General Manager, Growth Management

Financial Impact

The current estimation of hours required to develop the described project scope is 690 hours with a total price of $80,950. This estimation includes activities for project management, analysis, design, development, and implementation of all deliverables.

Review Comments

Contract administration and evaluation is performed by the Project Manager (the "End User") and the Procurement Officer, who function as a team, by utilizing an online vendor performance report or via in-person reviews. The evaluation consists of an assessment of the vendor-provided goods and services, deliverables, and compliance with contractual requirements. The resulting data will support renewal decisions and/or alterations to a new agreement.

Christopher Farkas, Deputy Superintendent, Operations (813) 272-4004