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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 05/12/2020
School Board Meeting

B5.01 - Approve the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between the School Board of Hillsborough County and Arriba Familia, LLC (Chief of Schools)


The purpose of this MOA is to ensure Spanish-speaking families are aware of all resources and services provided by the School District through the established framework of collaboration and implementation of this online platform.

Gap Analysis

In 2016, 21 percent of Florida's population was identified as foreign-born, English Language Learners (ELL).  Hillsborough Schools ranks fourth in the state based on ELL enrollment with the largest percentage in the primary grades.  Language barriers have proven to be associated with achievement gaps on all Florida District's that administered assessments as well as gaps in graduation rates.  Research recognizes that language is the most challenging barrier for ELL parents when participating in their child's education including supporting academic tasks at home.

Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

This Memorandum of Agreement will provide Hispanic and Latinx families with increased awareness and understanding of programs, processes, resources, and services available from the District.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders

* Develop a culture of respect, trust, collaboration and equity


Approve the MOA with Arriba Familia, L.L.C.


MaryLou Whaley, Director of Community Engagement, Outreach, and Philanthropy,, (813) 272-4680

Financial Impact

There is no direct financial cost.  District department collaboration is expected throughout the period of the agreement.

Review Comments

Shaylia McRae, Acting Chief of Schools (813) 272-4071