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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 05/12/2020
School Board Meeting

B7.01 - Approval of the Interlocal Agreement Between the School Board of Hillsborough County and Hillsborough County to Provide Partial Funding for Certain Internal Circulation Improvements at Progress Village Middle Magnet School and Lamb Elementary School Which Will Improve the Operation of the County Roadways (Operations Division)


The School Board and Hillsborough County have agreed that redesigning the existing on-campus vehicular circulation system on the Progress Village Middle School campus to connect to the vehicular circulation system on the adjacent Lamb Elementary School campus will improve traffic circulation on the Progress Village Middle school campus. Specifically, this redesign will result in improvements in the operation of nearby County roadways, including 82nd Street, in part by reducing the stacking of vehicles on County roadways at peak school pick-up and drop-off times. In order to offset the costs of designing, permitting, and constructing the improvements, the proposed partial funding from Hillsborough County includes the costs of a planning study. The proposed improvements are illustrated in the attachment as OPTION #2A. 

Gap Analysis

Approval of this Interlocal Agreement will provide the District with partial funding from Hillsborough County to construct internal circulation improvements which will improve traffic circulation at Progress Village Middle Magnet School and Jack R Lamb Elementary School. 

Previous Outcomes

Existing/current traffic circulation conditions at Progress Village Middle Magnet School and Lamb Elementary School have created on-site and off-site issues related to the general health, safety and welfare of the District’s students, bus drivers and the general public. 

Expected Outcomes

Improved traffic circulation conditions at Progress Village Middle Magnet School, Lamb Elementary School and the adjacent County roadways which will improve the general health, safety and welfare of the District’s students, bus drivers and general public.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Establish a strong foundation of financial stewardship

* Construct and maintain facilities that create an environment conducive to teaching and learning

* Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child

* Continuously improve processes and systems

* Demonstrate "best practices" in all aspects of safety: student, employee, visitor, facility, transportation, and health


Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Hillsborough County and Hillsborough County to provide partial funding for certain internal circulation improvements at Progress Village Middle Magnet School and Lamb Elementary School which will improve the operation of the County roadways.


Amber K. Dickerson, General Manager, Growth Management,, 813-272-4896 

Financial Impact

The total preliminary cost estimate for the internal circulation improvements at Progress Village Middle Magnet School is $2,990,927 (per attachment OPTION #2A) with Hillsborough County contributing $1,500,000 and the School District contributing $1,490,927.

Review Comments


Christopher Farkas, Deputy Superintendent, Operations (813) 272-4004