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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 06/09/2020
School Board Meeting

B7.05 - Approve the Educational Plant Spot Survey 5.4 for a 12-Classroom Addition at Dorothy Thomas Exceptional Center, Remodeling of Building 3 at Sligh Middle School for a Community Center and the Construction of a Covered Structure at Liberty Middle School (Operations Division)


The District is recommending a 12-classroom addition at Dorothy Thomas Exceptional Center and removal of existing portable classroom buildings due to age; remodeling Building 3 at Sligh Middle School to repurpose the building as a community center, including a food pantry to better serve our students and community; and construction of a covered structure over the existing tennis courts at Liberty Middle School.

Florida Statute 1013.31 requires that each School Board conduct an educational plant survey at least every five years.  The Board approved the District's current survey on May 7, 2019.  The survey recommends new facilities, as well as additions, remodeling, dispositions, and renovations at existing sites.  As exceptions to the survey recommendations arise, the Board is required to submit a "spot survey" to the Department of Education for each facility.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes


Strategic Plan Goal

* Construct and maintain facilities that create an environment conducive to teaching and learning

* Demonstrate "best practices" in all aspects of safety: student, employee, visitor, facility, transportation, and health



Denise A. Taraschi, Property Specialist, Operations Division

Financial Impact

Approval of the Educational Plant Spot Survey 5.4 to construct a 12-classroom addition at Dorothy Thomas Exceptional Center, remodel Building 3 at Sligh Middle School for use as a community center, and construction of a covered structure over the existing tennis courts at Liberty Middle School will have no financial impact to the School Board of Hillsborough County.

Review Comments

Christopher Farkas , Chief Operating Officer (813) 272-4004