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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 06/23/2020
School Board Meeting

B6.16 - Approve the Agreement between Illuminate Education, Inc. and The School Board of Hillsborough County, FL (Finance Division)


On December 9, 2014, the Board awarded Request for Proposal #14080 to School City, Inc. for a testing and reporting platform. Since this award, Illuminate Education, Inc. has purchased the School City platform. This system has supported the District's commitment to student and educator evaluation procedures and data analysis.

If approved, the District will renew the software licenses and related services to continue to utilize this platform for evaluation and data analysis. The initial term of this agreement is from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023. There is a 30-day termination clause included in this contract. This contract will be reviewed and evaluated annually and may be renewed by the Superintendent, per the terms of the specifications.

In accordance with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Purchasing Policy 6A-1.012, a district school board, when acquiring, whether by purchase, lease, lease with option to purchase, rental or otherwise, information technology, as defined in Section 282.004(11), F.S., may make any acquisition through the competitive solicitation process as described herein or by direct negotiation and contract with a vendor or supplier, as best fits the needs of the school district as determined by the district school board.

Gap Analysis

The District requires vendors to provide and maintain assessment platform licenses and related services to track student information that enables data analysis to drive decision making.   

Previous Outcomes

The School City platform has been previously approved by the Board and successfully implemented.

Expected Outcomes

Upon approval, the District expects the vendors to provide the requested goods and services according to the terms and conditions listed in the agreement. The awarded vendor is:

Illuminate Education, Inc.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Improve the high school graduation rate

* Improve Student Achievement

* Establish a strong foundation of financial stewardship


Approve the agreement between Illuminate Education, Inc. and The School Board of Hillsborough County, FL.


Dr. Nicole Binder, Director, Assessment and Accountability,, (813) 272-4341
Corey A. Murphy, General Manager, Procurement Services,, (813) 272-4374
Terry Connor, Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer, Academic Services,, (813) 272-4221

Financial Impact

Funds in the amount of $ $890,456 will be available in the Assessment and Accountability Department budget.

Review Comments

Contract administration and evaluation is performed by the Project Manager (the "End User") and the Procurement Officer, who function as a team, by utilizing an online vendor performance report or via in-person reviews. The evaluation consists of an assessment of the vendor-provided goods and services, deliverables, and compliance with contractual requirements. The resulting data will support renewal decisions and/or alterations to a new agreement.

Gretchen Saunders , Chief Financial Officer (813) 272-4270