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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 07/28/2020
School Board Meeting

B6.08 - Approve the Agreement for Technical Services #20112-ATS-IV with The Ciancio Group, Inc. (Ciancio Group)(Climate and Culture)


This ATS with Ciancio Group will allow for the creation, prototyping, and implementation of a Business Intelligence discipline dashboard to meet the requirements of Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) to reduce the disproportionate disciplinary removals of black students with disabilities (SWD). This discipline dashboard will provide district level, school level, and student level data, as well as visualizations to enhance analysis and problem-solving.

Gap Analysis

CCEIS requires that districts conduct district level and school level root cause analysis, as well as problem-solving for groups or individual students to develop proactive strategies and behavior intervention plans. The Florida Department of Education provides tools to analyze data to determine equitable treatment of students. Currently, district level and school level users must review data within the district discipline system, tally data, and manually enter the data into to the equity tool. This process is time intensive and may lead to unreliable analysis of disciplinary removal and referral data.

Previous Outcomes

During the 2019/2020 school year, district staff created district and school level reports to gather removal data for individual students. District and school staff utilized the district discipline data to determine disproportionate removals for black SWD. This data was also used to identify schools and individual students that require additional targeted supports. During the first three quarters of the 2019/2020 school year, black students with disabilities were subjected to disciplinary removals for more than ten days at a rate that was almost four times higher than other students with disabilities.

Expected Outcomes

The Ciancio Group will provide technical services to create and implement a discipline dashboard to meet the requirements of CCEIS and support equitable discipline. The discipline dashboard will provide schools with current disciplinary removal and referral data in a variety of formats that utilize visualizations to aid analysis and allow for disaggregation by subgroups. Utilizing the discipline dashboard, district and school level users will have in-time access to districtwide data, school-level data, and individual student data to determine and align supports. Schools will use referral data to identify causes of disproportionality and to create proactive strategies to decrease practices that lead to disproportionate disciplinary removals. The discipline dashboard will provide timely data and visualizations that incorporate the use of an equity tool to identify disproportionate disciplinary actions, support root cause analysis and the development of proactive strategies, and individual interventions to decrease removals.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Improve the high school graduation rate

* Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child

* Develop a culture of respect, trust, collaboration and equity

* Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders


The Board approve the Agreement for Technical Services #20112-ATS-IV with The Ciancio Group, Inc.


Kimberly Workman, General Director, Exceptional Student Education,, (813) 273-7025
Tracye H. Brown, Chief of Climate and Culture,, (813) 272-4879

Financial Impact

Funds not to exceed $125,260 will be available from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Grant project 0031, CCEIS set aside.

Review Comments

Gretchen Saunders , Chief Financial Officer (813) 272-4270