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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 10/06/2020
School Board Meeting

B7.01 - Approve the Agreement with the Tampa Housing Authority and The School Board of Hillsborough County for Operation of Adult and Culinary Programs (Operations Division)


As the owner of property that is part of the Encore redevelopment effort, Tampa Housing Authority seeks The School Board of Hillsborough County Public Schools to operate the facility located at 620 East 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602 as part of its Adult and Culinary education programs. 

As indicated in the attached agreement, the district will benefit from a 10 year lease of the facility at a nominal cost, with two 10 year renewal options included.  This lease will allow for Tampa Housing Authority to make efficient use of the space, provide needed services to the community, and further its partnership with the district.  In return, the agreement allows the district to expand its program offerings for Adult and Culinary education in the community without requiring additional space to increase its footprint.

Gap Analysis

Both parties will benefit from increased offerings of Adult and Culinary education programs at this facility.  The location in a redevelopment zone is also intended to attract economic activity to the area that will stimulate the community and build capacity in the workforce.  

Previous Outcomes

Existing Adult and Culinary programs operate at dedicated locations in the district, but this opportunity allows for an innovative model that enhances the partnership between the Tampa Housing Authority and The School Board of Hillsborough County.  Enrollment of students in these programs will benefit both the district and the community at large.  Furthermore, the operation of a commercial kitchen will provide an offering in this area that has not previously been available.

Expected Outcomes

This partnership and agreement are expected to contribute to increased enrollment in Adult and Culinary programs for the district.  Beyond the immediate benefit to the district, there is also expected to be a benefit to the workforce in the community.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce

* Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders

* Construct and maintain facilities that create an environment conducive to teaching and learning


It is recommended that The School Board of Hillsborough County approve the proposed agreement with the Tampa Housing Authority in support of Adult and Culinary education programs at the proposed location.  


Patti Simmons, Manager, Operational Effectiveness (813) 272-4587
W. Scott Brooks, Officer, Workforce Connections (813) 231-1860
Chris Farkas, Chief Operations Officer, (813) 272-4711

Financial Impact

A modest investment will be required to purchase needed furniture and equipment required to operate the Adult and Culinary programs at this site.  It is expected that the total investment will not exceed $300,000 in capital and workforce dollars.  This amount is likely to be offset by student enrollment fees and nominal rent structured as part of the lease agreement.

Review Comments

Christopher Farkas , Chief Operating Officer (813) 272-4004