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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 10/20/2020
School Board Meeting

B11.01 - Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between The School Board of Hillsborough County and the Tampa Museum of Art (TMA) (Office of Innovation)


The intent of this MOA is to outline the organizational commitments of the TMA and District that structure opportunities for students to visit the museum at least once during their nine years of schooling within HCPS (grades 3-12).  HCPS and TMA will seek additional collaborations to enhance professional development and family engagement while increasing museum access to strengthen the arts and cultural foundation in the community. The MOA outlines each organization’s support of this project.

Gap Analysis

Research recognizes that visitors, especially children, gain the most educational value from visiting the museum physically and supplementing their current knowledge of the exhibit and museum via supplemental materials provided by the school.  This project will ameliorate identified gaps in student, family, and staff attendance and engagement opportunities the TMA’s humanities and cultural arts exposure programs.  Through the leveraging of resources, a pledge of support is established to garner resources needed to provide opportunities for students and families to visit local community assets like the Tampa Museum of Art (TMA). 

Previous Outcomes

The District has developed many successful interactions over the years with TMA through intentional marketing to teachers and students through the Art in Education program and subject area supervisors.  This inaugural partnership will identify and formalize outcomes that measure student and staff attendance and engagement.   

Expected Outcomes

 Students, staff, and families that attend the TMA will gain experience and knowledge that will positively influence student achievement and the understanding and appreciation for the TMA as a community asset. 


Strategic Plan Goal

  • Goal: Student Learning - Objective(s): Student Achievement, Student Centered Learning Environment
  • Goal: Culture and Relationships - Objective: Community Engagement & Partnerships
  • Strategic Priority: Increase High School Graduation Rate
  • Strategic Priority: Build Strong Culture and Relationships


To approve the Memorandum of Agreement between The School Board of Hillsborough County and the Tampa Museum of Art programming that engages students and families in the school community.


Marylou Whaley, Director, Community Engagement & Philanthrophy,, 813-272-4431

Financial Impact

All costs associated with the implementation of the program are funded through grants, partnerships, and standard field trip procedures.

Review Comments



Van Ayres, Chief Innovation Officer (813) 273-7324