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Information Item
DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
TO: School Board Members
FROM: Jeff Eakins, Superintendent
Recognition of Tampa Electric Company (TECO) for Partnering with Hillsborough County Public Schools to Add Grade 5 Electricity Kits to All Elementary Sites (Office of Teaching and Learning)
We are recognizing the TECO partnership to enhance instruction of Next Generation Sunshine State Standards focused on electricity in grade 5 science. The leadership team from TECO met with classroom teachers and members of the elementary science team to identify instructional materials that allow students to explore and understand electricity standards. Teacher resources were created to build content knowledge and provide support for instruction.  Real world examples and pictures were included to emphasize the importance of practicing safety around electricity.  TECO's number one value is safety and they were glad to have the opportunity to reach students with these messages and more:
  • Don’t play on or near electrical equipment.
  • Call 911 if you see a downed power line and stay away.
  • Don’t fly kites around power lines.
  • Seek shelter inside during thunderstorms.
Links to the educational resources for students, parents, and teachers were also included to provide additional knowledge and learning opportunities. TECO sponsored the purchase of the kits, which included instructional teacher materials, using a 1:2 teacher ratio for all 146 elementary sites.  The amount of the sponsorship for the kits totaled $51,806.71.  Materials included in the non-consumable kit allow for all students to explore electricity concepts, building circuits, powering fans, and exploring static electricity through hands-on opportunities.
• Improve the high school graduation rate • Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child • Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders
This item is for recognition and has no financial impact to the district.
SUBMITTED BY:  Barbara B. Hancock, Instructional Leadership Director, Elementary Education
Shana Tirado, Supervisor, Elementary Science
Deborah Cook   Dr. Alberto Vázquez
Chief Academic Officer, Office of Teaching and Learning
(813) 272-4221
  Chief of Staff
(813) 272-4986
    A 02
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20170926_820 (Board Recognition Meeting) * Section A Item# 02