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Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida
Tuesday, 10/20/2020
School Board Meeting

C6.18 - Approve the Purchase Agreement between 7 Mindsets Academy, LLC (7 Mindsets) for the 7 Mindsets Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Portal License, Consulting and Customized District Administrator Professional Development (Climate and Culture)


7 Mindsets is a research-based program that includes a web-based portal that provides K-12 SEL curriculum, professional development, and SEL coaching. Research shows that SEL leads to greater academic achievement, better mental health, and career success. In order to cultivate students' social-emotional skills, adults working with students also need to feel supported and valued. Supporting students SEL starts with adults.

In this agreement, 7 Mindsets will conduct leadership mindset-based SEL training/professional development sessions to support district level leaders, school building level administrators, and staff.  All necessary materials for successful implementation will be provided by the 7 Mindsets educational services team. District administrator and school level leader participants will be provided access to the 7 Mindsets curriculum and resource portal as a follow-up to training sessions. 7 Mindsets align with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) five core SEL competencies that include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

A select number of schools will be provided full staff site licenses to the 7 Mindsets portal along with all necessary associated professional development. In addition, customized district driven professional development event sessions will be delivered by the 7 Mindsets educational services team to support building a foundation common language to support the social, emotional, and academic development of students. The 7 Mindsets educational services team and Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) district staff will work collaboratively to support and maximize implementation of district and site-based professional development and curriculum to support the "Whole" educator to teach the "Whole" child. 

In accordance with the FLDOE Purchasing Policy 6A-1.012(14), a district school board, when acquiring, whether by purchase, lease, lease with option to purchase, rental or otherwise, information technology, as defined in Section 282.004(11), F.S., may make any acquisition through the competitive solicitation process as described herein or by direct negotiation and contract with a vendor or supplier, as best fits the needs of the school district as determined by the district school board.

Gap Analysis

At the core of every great educational institution is a mission rooted in a desire for all students and staff to grow and reach their full potential.  We want to help our leadership teams reconnect to these roots and elevate them. We can find our courage and power with and through each other. If we can create supportive teams that hold each other accountable for collective growth, building clarity, and a common sense of purpose, then we can make every educator the most courageous and powerful version of themselves.  The 7 Mindsets educational services team will also support current district SEL initiatives by using SEL data driven reports to access areas of growth to create and sustain a positive climate and culture to support the social and emotional needs of students and adults to enhance instructional efforts.

Previous Outcomes

A 2017 report from the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development titled "Supporting the Whole Teacher", supported by the ASPEN Institute, addresses the need for building adult SEL capacity to support academic achievement. 7 Mindsets is the only K-12 company delivering SEL solutions that includes mindsets, equity, and multicultural pedagogy. Their research-based framework includes an online curriculum (which supports both in-person and distance learning), leadership tools, parent resources, and professional development proven to create a positive, sustainable culture where students and educators thrive. Seven independent studies validate the impact of 7 Mindsets. What separates 7 Mindsets from all other social-emotional learning programs is a measured set of lasting, tangible improvement upon the mindsets of both students and adults. Previous districts in Florida implementing 7 Mindsets include Pasco and Brevard counties. 7 Mindsets has been implemented nationally and impacted thousands of students and educators worldwide.

This is the first agreement between HCPS and The 7 Mindset Academy, LLC. This will be considered a base line year in terms of building adult SEL capacity to support SEL curriculum implementation.

Expected Outcomes

SEL interventions that address the CASEL five core SEL competencies such as 7 Mindsets have shown to increase academic performance, mental health, positive classroom behavior, and educational equity. By supporting the foundational SEL needs of district and site-based administrators with professional development provided by 7 Mindsets, our leaders will be equipped with the tools and resources to support the social-emotional needs of students. This support will lead to a positive climate and culture to increase academic achievement.

Strategic Plan Goal

* Improve the high school graduation rate

* Improve Student Achievement

* Provide a student-centered learning environment that engages every child

* Recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce

* Develop, recognize, and reward employees

* Develop a culture of respect, trust, collaboration and equity

* Engage and communicate with families and stakeholders

* Continuously improve processes and systems

* Demonstrate "best practices" in all aspects of safety: student, employee, visitor, facility, transportation, and health


Approve the Purchase Agreement between 7 Mindsets Academy, LLC for the 7 Mindsets Social and Emotional Learning: Portal License, Consulting, and Customized District Administrator Professional Development


Julia Sarmiento, Supervisor, Social Emotional Learning,, (813) 272-4769
Holly Saia, Ed.S., General Director, Student Services,, (813) 273-7136
Tracye H. Brown, Chief of Climate and Culture,, (813) 272-4879

Financial Impact

Purchases will not exceed the amount of $278,600 from the Severely Emotionally Disturbed Network, University of South Florida Assistance Allocation Project.

Review Comments

Gretchen Saunders , Chief Financial Officer (813) 272-4270