Hillsborough County Public Schools Business
Information Item

DATE: Tuesday, April 4, 2006
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Accept As Full Disclosure a Situation Which Has Potential for Being Perceived as a Conflict of Interest (Business Division)


The School District applies the State of Florida Commission on Ethics Guidelines with respect to Conflicts of Interest. The established guide gives directions and procedures relative to situations of conflict of interest, potential conflict of interest, and perceived conflict of interest. Where appropriate, the Superintendent provides conflict information to the Board for action. This item is not of a material nature, but is being presented as a consolidated report of conflict information provided to the Purchasing Department.

The Office of Training and Staff Development requests permission to purchase training books authored by Dr. Charles M. Jaksec, an employee of Hillsborough County Public Schools. These training books will be used with implementing WISE (Willingness to Include Students Equitably) Choices. Dr. Jaksec was not involved in the decision to purchase the books and will not be compensated above his normal salary for conducting training sessions.


As stated in the OPPAGA report: “Efficient purchasing and warehousing requires that management processes be in place to ensure that supplies, equipment and services vital to the school’s education mission are purchased from a competitive source, in the right quantity, delivered timely to the correct location, and stored in a secure location. These criteria should be met for each purchase without sacrificing quality.”


The conflict of interest statements have no financial impact to the District. If the products or services are purchased, the department will follow appropriate purchasing guidelines.


SUBMITTED BY: Verna Hurley, Assistant Manager

Willie T. Campbell, CPPO, CPPB
General Manager of Procurement
Gretchen Saunders
Chief Business Officer
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20060404_173 * Section E Item# 8.01H