Hillsborough County Public Schools Deputy Superintendent
Action Item

DATE: Tuesday, February 27, 2007
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Approve the Technical Service Agreement with Professional Development Center, Inc., to Engage Noreen Rodriguez to deliver Level I Project CRISS (Creating Independence Through Student Owned Strategies) Training at Riverview High School for 30 Participants


During the February 13, 2007, School Board meeting there was discussion concerning the amount of money paid to Professional Development Center Inc. The staff discussed the Board’s concerns and decided to provide the Board and the public with a more detailed explanation of the company and the services it provides.

The Professional Development Services company is an organization to provide retirees and other educational consultants a vehicle by which they can work for the School District. The company contracts with the District for each agreement, and the fees which are paid as per Board approved pay schedules, passed through the firm to the individual consultants.

This arrangement makes it possible for the School District to contract with the company rather than the individuals, and the individuals to contract with the company rather than the School District. This prevents potential Florida Retirement System penalties to the individual consultants. The company also provides other services to the consultants for a fee for the services.

Since July 1, 2007, twenty-nine (29) Technical Service Agreements with the Professional Development Center, Inc. have been approved by the Board. The agreement in this agenda item is the thirtieth (30) agreement with the firm. The Divisions of Curriculum and Instruction, Student Services & Federal Programs, and Information & Technology have used the services of the firm.

The Superintendent’s Staff is reviewing the use of Technical Services Agreements and consultants. We will seek to address the following questions.

  1. What is the total cost of all of these Technical Service Agreements for a fiscal year, by division?
  2. What funds are used to pay for these agreements?
  3. Are the services for which these individuals are employed appropriate?
  4. Are the proper individuals engaged?
  5. By what method do individuals apply for these assignments, how are their qualifications established and how are they selected?
  6. Are there better ways to deliver these services?
  7. Are there better ways to process these agreements?

Attached is a summary to date of the Technical Services Agreements with the Professional Development Center, Inc. for the 2006-2007 fiscal year.


The percentage of students scoring at Level 3 or higher on FCAT reading will increase a minimum of five percentage points.


This item will cost $466.08 and will be paid from the Division of Curriculum & Instruction Budget, General Operating Fund. For the fiscal year 2006-2007 the Professional Development Center, Inc. has had agreements totaling $65,959.68 to a wide array of individuals.


Each training session is evaluated by the participants at the end of the session.


Kenneth R. Otero
Deputy Superintendent
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20070227_233 * Section E Item# 8.02R