Hillsborough County Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction
Information Item

DATE: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


SMath (Science/Math) (Elementary Education - Curriculum and Instruction Division)


Initiative: WhereistheSMath.com is a website that challenges students and teachers to question the world around them and specifically discover the science and math connections outside the four walls of their classroom. The program invites students to discover the world around them everyday and discuss their findings and opinions with student led scientific and mathematical communities.

Goals: WhereistheSMath has the following goals:

Targeted Population: K-College students throughout the world. We are working to connect students in Hillsborough County with communities of student “colleagues” around the globe.

Timeline: This initiative began August 2009 and will continue to grow over the years to come.

Staff Development: SMath Public Service Announcements (PSA) have occured at almost every math and science training since August 2009. SMath has been featured at the Mathematics Council (HCEMC) dinner meeting, Dr. Lamb’s Community Meeting, Science and Mathematics Contact meetings, and in the pages of the Elementary Science Newsletter and the Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) Membership Journal. An article on SMath was published in the May edition of National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) Reports Newspaper.

“SMath Teaching Strategies”, an inservice to promote the effective use of the SMath website, was featured at the May 15, 2010, Elementary Science Symposium and will also be featured at the 2011 Elementary Science Symposium.

Continued on attachment.


* Demonstrate consistent and effective teaching methods, * Motivate students to become responsible learners



SUBMITTED BY: Jonathan Gerlach, DRT, Elementary Science 
Jack Fahle, DRT, Elementary Mathematics

Barbara B. Hancock
General Director, Elementary Education
(813) 272-4455
Wynne A. Tye
Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction
(813) 272-4221
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Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20100720_415 * Section B Item# 01