Hillsborough County Public Schools Student Services and Federal Programs
Information Item

DATE: Tuesday, August 19, 2008
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent


Parent Involvement and Student Achievement (Student Services and Federal Programs)


Initiative: More than 35 years of research has proven beyond dispute the positive connection between parent involvement and student success. Effectively involving parents and families in the education of their children has the potential to improve academic achievement and performance. As a district, in partnership with PTA/PTSA, we recognize the benefits of parent involvement at all levels, beginning with elementary school and continuing through high school.

Goals: In support of research findings, we as a district have incorporated the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs developed by the National PTA in conjunction with other education and parent organizations, as the framework for our District Plan to support parent involvement. These six standards, communicating, parenting, student learning, volunteering, decision making, and collaboration with community, enable us to better understand and plan for the various roles that parents can and should play in the education process. Our goal is to engage parents to "Help Their Child ACHIEVE".

Targeted Population: Many of our schools have initiated plans or programs that define expectations and encourage involvement. Crestwood Elementary with a population of approximately 1,013 students developed and implemented a family engagement plan last year. The contract, based upon the ACHIEVE (Attendance, Communication, Health, Interest, Expectations, Volunteer, Encourage) acronym identified expectations of families that were measurable.

Timeline: Crestwood's Family Engagement Plan was initiated during the 2007/2008 school year and will continue during 2008/2009. Our district goal is to expand the number of schools involved this school year.

Staff Development: The school's parent involvement liaison provided support and increased the staff's awareness of the importance of meaningful parent involvement in an effort to increase the school's capacity to involve parents in their child's education. Staff members were involved in the development and implementation of the plan and were instrumental in encouraging and monitoring parental/family involvement. The majority of staff members participated in the family recognition event.

Transferability: Yes. Our goal is to expand the number of sites. Conversations have occurred this summer with prospective sites.

Involvement: The school successfully engaged parents and business partners in this effort. (Capital One and Herf Jones Photography)


Strategic Objective - Increase promotion rates at all grade levels and the percentage of high school graduates.


Each Title I school is allocated a specific budget for the purpose of providing support for parent involvement initiatives at the site. Crestwood's Family Engagement Plan was funded jointly by Title I, PTA and Capital One.


The school monitored the support for learning provided by families during the first three report periods. Families that satisfied the contract were recognized for their accomplishment at the end of the year celebration. Every family demonstrated their commitment by signing the contract/plan and more than 50% of the families were recognized.

SUBMITTED BY: Velia Pedrero, Supervisor, Parent/Family & Community Involvement

Gwendolyn Luney
Assistant Superintendent, Student Services and Federal Programs
(813) 272-4879
Wynne Tye
Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction
(813) 272-4221
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Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20080819_298 * Section B Item# 1