HCPS FL Logo Administration
Action Item
DATE: Tuesday, April 10, 2012
TO: School Board Members
FROM: MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent
Approve the Use of the Multi-Objective Spatial Optimization Model for the Development of Future School Boundaries 
By accepting the $250,000 Technical Assistance for Student Assignment Plans grant, the School Board of Hillsborough County continued building processes and refining techniques to advance the efficient use of resources in future boundaries of middle schools.  At the April 1, 2010, board meeting, the School Board approved the contract to hire SEER Analytics to continue the work they began with the data-driven development of student attendance boundaries for Sgt. Smith Middle School, Steinbrenner High School, and Strawberry Crest High School.  At the November 1, 2011, meeting, the School Board participated in a workshop  describing the methods, their impact on boundaries, and the positive community feedback received on the new process.  The multi-objective, spatial optimization modeling techniques that were developed allow the district to create boundary scenarios with multiple solutions that are based on the primary variables of transportation and school capacity to optimize school use through a trade-off analysis resulting in the most efficient and effective boundaries.  
All Strategic Objectives
As determined by future boundary change requirements.
Evaluation of the school capacity of impacted schools.
Steven D. Ayers   Lewis A. Brinson
Director of Community and Parent Relations
(813) 272-4091
  Assistant Superintendent, Administration
(813) 272-4071
    A 7.06
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Florida) * Mtg.#20120410_498 (Board Meeting) * Section A Item# 7.06