Hillsborough County Public Schools

Board Agenda Speaker Signup

Guidelines for Public Comment

The School Board will convene at 4:00 pm. Public comment will be heard prior to the Board’s Consent Agenda.

Speakers will be granted three minutes to address the board. When 10 or more speakers wish to speak during public comment, the board may reduce the time per speaker. Speakers can sign up online or in person, all speakers must check in with the Communications staff at least 15 minutes prior to the start of public comment. The Board reserves the right to modify the speaking time based on the circumstances of any individual Board meeting.

During the 30-minute time allotment, speakers who wish to address a particular agenda item will be given priority over those wishing to make general comments.

Do you wish to sign up to speak during the discussion of Item C 13.02R? Select one of the following options.

Cancel and return to agenda summary.

I changed my mind. I wish to sign up to speak during the PUBLIC COMMENTS portion of the meeting instead.

Continue to AGENDA ITEM speaker signup